Hi y’all.
I had a small surgery this week (non-cancerous breast lumpectomy, ick) so I’m giving myself a break from creating new content. What I offer you instead is the short interview I did with Daily Blast Live last Friday.
Here’s a link:
(Note: It was live, and I misspoke - I actually stopped working full time in August, not October, of last year. Oops.)
To those of you who subscribed after watching DBL, a warm welcome! I definitely recommend exploring the archive, and starting from the beginning with this post:
Taking this week off led me to realize that posting every single week doesn’t serve me right now. My rigid timeline gave some rare structure to an unraveling life over the past six months. But these days, I no longer have exciting new health updates every single week (thank GOD!) and I find I need more space in between posts to breathe, journal, connect with others, and enjoy life.
In order to continue this free newsletter without making it a burden, I’ll be publishing on an as-I-feel-like-it basis, going forward.
About six half-written posts sit in my drafts folder waiting for their final polish. The next release will likely be about returning to driving after voluntarily reporting my last seizure to the DMV over a year ago. I have a lot to say about the medical review board process in Virginia…
Have a great weekend! And if you’re willing to comment below, I’m curious about the ways you’re loosening up or letting go of self-inflicted commitments and restrictions. What are your favorite methods to clear white space and make time for creativity?