A surprising portion of seizure patients admitted to EMU are discharged with the same sort of result. This outcome was kinda suspected for you as well, which, on balance from a certain perspective, is a good thing.

I see in you a brave look forward willing to take this a liberation.

I would say NIH docs are going to be way too lawsuit averse to let you go without meds.

In some of the most exciting areas of science, neuro being one of them, there is this draw of the unknown, and the unknowable, and in the clinical world, the unknown unknowns. Sometimes we have to humbly reside less than comfortably with, 'don't know'.

Here you document your living trek over that wilderness. Which, I must say, is masterful.

This writing is engaging and flows. Informative, educational. You use very good references and hyperlinks, a person knowing very little could learn a lot. And get very scared. But it's the truth.

You're doing it right, and well. Keep it!

Further a model for how to substack!

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May you continue to be seizure free! You reinforce the idea that we all need to be our own fierce advocates in the world of health-related issues. I admire your courage and willingness to share your experiences. Continue to heal your mind and soul as well as your body.

Love and hugs to you,


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Thanks for the support Leigh <3

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